Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Berlin Tasting in Copenhagen

Eduardo Chadwick“Berlin Tasting in Copenhagen” might sound a little confusing? However the Berlin Tasting is a reference to a famous tasting held in Berlin the January 23. 2004. It was held by the Chilean wine producer Eduardo Chadwick from Errazuriz and he had invited 66 wine journalists from all over Europe to taste the best Chadwick wines from Chile against the supernames from Bordeaux and Tuscany. 16 wines were tasted from the vintages 2000 and 2001, among them 2000 Chateau Latour, 2000 Chateau Lafite and 2000 Chateau Margaux.

To everybodys surprise a Chilean wine, 2000 Vinedo Chadwick, took the first spot and with another, 2001 Sena, as second. In the third and fourth spot came 2000 Chateau Lafite and 2001 Chateau Margaux.

This created a lot of debate, specially among journalists not participating in the tasting! How could experts be wrong and so much wrong?

Since then the tasting has been repeated a couple of times and yesterday, May 14 2008, it was held in Copenhagen. This time with the 2005 Bordeaux vintage, the 2004 Tuscan vintage and 2004 & 2005 Chilean vintages. Tough competition for Chile.

I was among the 22 journalists in the judging panel. The task was to taste 10 wines blind in a cold, airconditioned room. All details were perfect. We were asked to select the three best wines among the ten and give them 3, 2 and 1 pts. - 3 pts. to the best wine. And of course guess the different wines and origins.

To me, I had two wines which I rated as the best and then two more as close runner-ups. I was sure the one I chose as the best was from Chile, but it could have been from Bordeaux as well. It was the 2004 Errazuriz Don Maximiano.

But I was 100% certain that my number two was from Bordeaux. However it was my only geographical misjudgement of the day! The wine was from Tuscany, the super 2004 Solaia. As number three I had to choose among two very good wines, which I classified as Bordeaux. I was right. I chose 2005 Chateau Lafite-Rothschild and “threw away” the 2005 Mouton-Rothschild…

But my four wines also showed up later in the top 4 of the wines. The result of the tasting was:

1. 2005 Château Lafite-Rothschild (3)
2. 2004 Don Maximiano (1)
3. 2005 Château Mouton-Rothschild
3. 2004 Solaia (2)
5. 2005 Seña
6. 2005 Don Maximiano
7. 2005 Château Latour
8. 2005 Viñedo Chadwick
9. 2004 Seña
10. 2004 Sassicaia

Berlin Tasting Bottles

The 2005 Chateau Lafite-Rothschild were the winner. I know not all would spend €1.000 or $1.700 on a bottle 2005 Lafite so it’s interesting that the second best wine was the cheapest in the tasting. The 2004 Errazuriz Don Maximiano is selling for around €50/$80 and is a splendid wine. You should try it!

The result of the tasting was (once again) a surprise. Mr. Eduardo Chadwick himself was surprised but also happy and proud. He had once more showed that the best wine of Chile can compete with and beat the best wines in the world.

The disappointment of the tasting was the 2004 Sassicaia. It was the only wine not getting any points at all and most had it as a clear loser.

My tasting notes from the tasting will follow in a day or two.


Jason Leffler David Carl Allison Gregory Jack Biffle

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