Thursday, January 24, 2013

Kendall-Jackson Humanizes Their Brand

It’s rare when network TV and wine come together but when it does I take a look. I’m not a regular viewer of Undercover Boss but might be after this episode at Kendall-Jackson Wine Estates. New President Rick Tigner works at the bottom of this organization and learns a lot. And he does the right thing after these experiences.

K-J is a very savvy marketing organization and in one episode really humanizes the brand. I think they will sell a lot of wine this week as a result.

Rick Tigner, President of Kendall- Jackson Wine Estates, causes a shutdown when he struggles to maintain pace on a bottling line, and is shocked by comments made by a delivery driver.

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Kendall-Jackson Humanizes Their Brand originally appeared on Winecast. Licensed under Creative Commons.


David Carl Allison Gregory Jack Biffle David Lee Blaney

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