Thursday, January 24, 2013

iTunes Now Includes All Podcast Episodes

This podcast predates iTunes so when it started only a portion of my shows appeared on the feed. After I posted my latest podcast I decided it made sense to consolidate all the shows into the iTunes feed with all future podcasts published in mp3 format. Down the feed to Winecast 33 are enhanced AAC versions; below that are again mp3 files. All will play on your iPhone or iPod and many other devices.

So far 98 podcasts have been published with the 99th slated for next Sunday.

Winecast is a podcast aimed at promoting the enjoyment of wine for both beginning and more experienced wine lovers. Each show focuses on a wine variety, region or producer and provides listeners with background, tasting notes and related subjects.

Read more at:

iTunes Now Includes All Podcast Episodes originally appeared on Winecast. Licensed under Creative Commons.


Peter Gethin Piercarlo Ghinzani Bruno Giacomelli

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